Does it feel like food controls your life? Have you been wanting to put an end to the diet cycle and learn how to have a normal relationship with food?
End the cycle of dieting and reclaim your life
Therapy for disordered eating
How you may feel
You may find yourself being caught up in these recurring thoughts:
Telling yourself that the diet starts tomorrow or that you will “ be good “ after the holidays
Engaging in yo-yo dieting, food rules and rituals
A familiar cycle of restriction and bingeing that leads to feelings of guilt, shame and anxiety and depression
The cycle of dieting has taken a toll on your mental health creating feelings of hopelessness, sadness and shame over your “lack of control” or willpower
you have been prioritizing your rules and behaviors over relationships and avoid activities centered around food. Going out to lunch with friends requires planning and effort and feels less enjoyable
you may be skipping meals and restricting your eating in an effort to stick to your diet
you weigh yourself routinely out of fear of gaining weight
the food noise is always present and determines what and how you eat
How therapy can help
You can learn to trust your body again.
Disordered eating can be layered and complex. It often appears with anxiety , depression, trauma or substance abuse. Therapy can help to address all of the pieces and parts that may be contributing to an unhealthy relationship with food and your body. Through a process called Intuitive Eating you will learn how to rediscover hunger cues and tune in to your body. This is a process and it can take time to unlearn all of the lies that diet culture has wanted you to believe. If you are sick and tired of this cycle of dieting and are looking to end this war with your body you are in the right place. Intuitive Eating is the path you are seeking to have food freedom. Through this process you will begin to finally make peace with food and not view anything as off limits. You will learn how to reject the diet culture that has kept you feeling like a failure every time you lose weight and regain it. You will have an understanding of the components of health and that weight does not solely determine this.
“Having a healthy relationship with food means you are not morally superior or inferior based on your eating choices”
More about intuitive eating
You didn’t fail…..the diet has failed you.
The reason that you continue to struggle with dieting is because diets don’t work. The majority of people who go on diets and lose weight gain it back. And often times they gain more weight. Despite hearing this you may continue to try every plan out there thinking that you just haven’t found the right one for you. The process of dieting results in more harm to your health and self esteem as you feel you are a failure and blame yourself for not succeeding.
Learning how to eat intuitively is the answer …
Letting go of dieting can reduce the anxiety and struggles around food and weight. Imagine what life could look like if you started to learn how to trust your body to tell you what it wants and needs. You would no longer need to plan and structure your eating around rules and would not feel deprived of things you enjoy. You would finally feel free from the false promises of weight loss and would begin to understand that diets don’t work. Going out to a restaurant wouldn’t produce anxiety as you would have the freedom to choose what you want to eat. A slice of pizza or a cupcake would not produce feelings of guilt anymore. Imagine grocery shopping without having to track calories or points!
You don’t have to continue to be at war with food and your body. It is possible to reject diet culture and break free from the rules that have been holding you back from living your best authentic life. As a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor I will teach you the skills you need so you can break free from chronic dieting, societal pressures and guilt-ridden food habits. Throughout this process you will learn how to regain trust in your body, practice intuitive eating and learn how to enjoy food again.
It’s time to end the cycle of dieting and heal your relationship with food forever.
Reduce anxiety, stress and fears over food
Identify ways that dieting has kept you trapped and prevented you from living a full life
Improve your relationship with your body as you learn how to nourish yourself and trust your body again
Reduce obsessive thoughts of food and weight
Let go of the idea of a perfect weight or size
Develop freedom to choose foods you enjoy without feelings of shame or guilt
Learn to trust your body and increase your self awareness of your needs
Therapy for disordered eating can help you:
-preoccupation with food, calories, or body weight
-skipping meals or restrictive eating patterns
-frequent dieting or obsession with “clean”eating
-emotional eating or using food to cope with emotions
-guilt or shame after eating
-avoidance of social situations involving food
-unusual food rituals
Intuitive Eating is a compassionate self-care framework for eating that is rooted in dignity and respect for all bodies. It is research based and founded on ten principles and has been proven to heal one’s relationship with food and body. Intuitive eating is the process of recovering from years of dieting and returning to one’s natural abilities to honor hunger, recognize fullness and satisfaction. It provides a new way of eating that is struggle free and healthy for the mind and body.
Reach out to schedule a consultation so we can discuss how therapy can help you. The consultation is where you can get any remaining questions answered. Then we will schedule an intake appointment and develop a plan together.